Executive & Careers Coaching

Career Shifters

People seek change in their careers for a variety of reasons. For some it’s the start of a family that might necessitate different ways of doing things, for others it might be the result of redundancy.

The catch is that whilst change seems appealing intellectually, to the brain it spells danger. “The brain that got me here will get me there” it seems, and the body and brain will combine in mysterious ways to make “doing change” much harder than we think!

Whatever your reason, working with a qualified coach in a safe, non-judgemental space can be a valuable investment in your future. Coaching can promote accountability, ensure you set and stick to goals and crucially ensure your thinking is as clear as it can be. Based on our Intelligent Career Model we’ll work remotely to suit you and our work together will be supported by a manual of expertly curated exercises designed to help you build a plan for your future. Alternately enrol in our Career Discoveries course and work at your own pace.

For a no-obligation confidential free 20-minute diagnostic call please contact us